Integrity, Courage, Honor and Justice for All.
Live with Courage and Die with Honor.
Guild Name: AZEROTH
Guild Creation Date: 00/00/00
Guild Score: 0
Guild Member: 68
Hostility Guild: None

The mission of the Azeroth guild is to oversee a wide alliance and camaraderie relationships in the MU online
in game experience giving all registrants/members the oppurtunity to:
-Enjoy the game at a level consistent with their ability and commitment
-Grow as distinct, loyal and worthy gamers.

The Azeroth guild is a volunteer non-profit in game guild offering game experiences
with in MU online . The goal of the Azeroth guild is to provide:
- An enjoyable, friendly in game experience for every members and masters.
- Development of quality coaching of a character statistics for every level of play
- The opportunity of every member to play on a team without any mental reservation or evasion
against guild member at a level consistent with their ability and commitment to the guild and,
- The opportunity for members to improve their character playing skill and ability.

AZEROTH GUILD: Registrations without regard to race, gender or skill level.
Temporary acceptance are available base on recommendation of members and Guild master alliance.
Minimum level requirements as of february 16, 2006 is 320 Lvl entry.

Entering the guild, players must equipped with the ability and strength to be life long members.
Members must communicate effectively, and cooperatively by giving opinions and ideas to the guild as a
positive and constructive inputs.
Members must show self-respect for themselves and to their co-player in a level of professionalism without
regard to race, gender or skill level.
Members are prepared and required to participate in any in game event such as Castle Siege, Guild Wars, MU
in game events in any challenges in the best interest of the guild and its members.
Swearing, Acting like Beggars, scamming and spying against its members and any unlawful act that can destroy
the image of the guild and its members are strictly prohibited.
Guild Master, Assistant Guild Master and Battle Masters has a power to check your attendance and your
current level, 3 consecutive days of absences of a member will be kickout in the guild, excuses can be valid
if u have to mail the guild master ahead of time with a valid reason.
In the Absence of the Guild Master the Assistant Guild Master will assume full responsibility by
in-charging of all required power for the best interest of the guild.
Guild Azeroth will not assume full responsibility of your lost item due to negligence. Azeroth can only
assist u by calling Mobius representative.Hold high expectations for each player upon leveling.